SEO on the blog: why create interesting content for the blog?

SEO on the blog: why create interesting content for the blog?

Table of contents Blogging is an extremely versatile tool that can help your company achieve important marketing goals. In ensuring the effectiveness of your posting efforts, providing your audience with valuable content that is optimized for SEO plays an extremely important role. Find out how to realize the potential of a blog by creating interesting […]

SEO and Social Media: how to integrate both strategies?

SEO and Social Media: how to integrate both strategies?

Table of contents Effective search engine positioning and activity on social media platforms are key elements of today’s marketing efforts. Integrating these two strategies to increase a site’s online visibility can be a shot in the arm. Find out how to achieve this goal by combining SEO and social media. Identify common goals In the […]

How do we know what keywords will be appropriate for our industry?

Table of contents The marketing potential of our site, is largely influenced by the proper selection of keywords for which we want to position ourselves. However, this is a matter that depends on many factors – the industry, our competition, and sometimes even the time of year. That’s why choosing keywords on our own can […]

Is SEO a recipe for success for everyone?

Table of contents Every website owner has surely heard of SEO. This is the factor that determines how high our site ranks in Google search. However, this is not the only way to ensure success – other marketing strategies may work for some businesses. Learn why, for some companies, using Google and Facebook ads may […]